Cisco AnyConnect VPN in Linux (Ubuntu 18.04,19.10)

I’m writing this here for my future use.

Install these:
Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt-get install openconnect lib32ncurses5 lib32tinfo5 lib32z1 libc6-i386 libpkcs11-helper1 openvpn vpnc-scripts net-tools

Ubuntu 19.10:
sudo apt-get install openconnect lib32ncurses6 lib32tinfo6 lib32z1 libc6-i386 libpkcs11-helper1 openvpn vpnc-scripts net-tools

Download and unzip this.

Go to the vpn folder and run ./ then install the vpn.

Finally run the vpn using:


For the university of Denver I use this URL to connect to:

It then will ask for username and password, I use my ID number and password here.
